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Seminar Goshin-Jitsu / Kickboxing
Seminar Goshin-Jitsu / Kickboxing

Sat, 02 Jul


Emmering DE

Seminar Goshin-Jitsu / Kickboxing

Martial arts seminar

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02 Jul 2022, 09:30 – 03 Jul 2022, 12:00

Emmering DE, at the sports ground 1, 82275 Emmering, Germany

Über die Veranstaltung


Saturday, July 2, 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.: Seminar

  • 9:30 a.m. Welcome, presentation 
  • 9:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Kickboxing Basics 
  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Goshin-Jitsu, melee unarmed 
  • 12:00 – 12:30 lunch break (drinks and fruit are offered (is included))
  • 12:30 – 2:00 p.m. Goshin-Jitsu, self-defense with tools 
  • 2:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Kickboxing Variations 

Instructors under the overall direction of Josef Sturm, Saiko Shihan, 9th Dan: 

Goshin-Jitsu: Peter Felber, Shihan, 7th Dan, Dojo Erding (among others) 

Kickboxing: Miguel Pelaez, Renshi, 5th Dan, Dojo Basel /CH (among others)

Goshin-Jitsu is self-defence from self-defense to close combat, which naturally does not follow 

sports rules can work. It's not about winning the competition, it's about the 

Coping with a threatening - even life-threatening - exceptional situation. An "Allkampf", 

so emphatically versatile, with all available means. Quote: "It is I who after 

can stand up to an argument."

Kickboxing (formerly “sports karate”) is a Budo sport with an emphasis on SPORT. Focus are 

Punching, blocking and thrusting techniques with hands and feet. Kickboxing is an extremely flexible 

and fast martial arts suitable for all ages.

Sunday, July 3, 2022, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Exams

Goshin-Jitsu and Kickboxing junior grades


School sports hall Emmering (car park behind the town hall)

Am Sportplatz 1, 82275 Emmering


Technique: Josef Sturm, 9th Dan (

Organisation: Christian Tschiltsch, 2nd board member of the Katsujinken Dojo eV

Registration requested by June 25, 2022 at: kickboxen – emmering @ mail. en

Fee: Seminar/Saturday: €15, payable on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022 on site.

Participation for KBR members, interested parties and beginners.

Tests/Sunday: Spectators free of charge.


Goshin - self-defense   Goshin-Jitsu - effective self-defense, close combat

Kickboxing - from workout to budo sport

Hygiene concept:

Of course, the training will be implemented in accordance with the current   "Corona regulations" at the time of the seminar, these can be adjusted at short notice. Please plan: The  shower rooms are expected to be closed. Outside the divided training areas, observe the   mask requirement.

Liability: Unfortunately, the association, hall operator, club and trainer cannot assume any liability for any damage to property or personal injury during travel, training and in connection with the  seminar!

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